So much for updating in a timely fashion. Things are just starting to settle down, but I thought I'd at least share some photos I took over the weekend. I'm not claiming to be much of a photographer although it's something I'd like to get into more. I just got a new camera last month and it's the first time I've owned one in over 10 years, so picture quality has a lot to be desired. A few others were taken with my new Droid 2 phone that I got the weekend before ILHC. All things considered, I figure that this is the easiest way to show you my weekend until I have the time to write up something more substantial. Thanks to everyone coming out and supporting the event!
Random DCene(s): The Lion or the Squirrel?
Anyone that lives in DC for any amount of time has a squirrel story. I have several including one where I was pickpocketed by one and another that involves the word threesome. I’ll save those for another day.
This weekend, I was walking through the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial when I ran into some very friendly squirrels. Or hungry. It's usually the latter, but like a lot of people in DC, they've learned to mask their true motivations behind a thin veneer of furry charm. My camera phone documents what happened next.